Novelist Andrea Barrett is scheduled to read at the Vermont Studio Center tomorrow night. Bring your questions about process and depth; she's clear and responsive. Also be sure to phone VSC to confirm (the Vermont weather does seem to force more changes) and to save a seat for yourself: 802-635-2727. Many of the winter events have been held in the cafeteria in the red mill building, another factor to check when you call. Here's the VSC description of Barrett's work:
Andrea Barrett is the author of five novels, most recently The Voyage of the Narwhal, and two collections of short fiction, Ship Fever, which received the National Book Award, and Servants of the Map, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. A MacArthur Fellow, she's also been a Fellow at the Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library, and has received Guggenheim and NEA Fellowships. She lives in western Massachusetts and teaches at Williams College and in the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.
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