Clayton Eshleman's bilingual edition of the complete poems of Cesar Vallejo, immense, comprehensive, and threaded throughout with the insights of this powerful contemporary American author (his depth of study and experience in myth, image, shamanism, and complex poetry are stunning), came out last fall through the University of California Press. Whether you've acquired a copy or not, if Vallejo touches your soul, here's an unusual opportunity to plunge more deeply into his work: Professor Caleb Na at the UCLA Spanish Department welcomes guests to a two-day Vallego Symposium there, on Febrary 22 and 23. Here are the details from Professor Na (q@humnet.ucla.edu):
Here is a rough schedule, and for more information, the public is welcome to call our front desk, 310-825-1036.
Thursday, 2/22
4PM – Vallejo Symposium in 314 Royce Hall
Introduction of Eshleman and Dr. Stephen Hart by John Dagenais
Introduction of Eshleman by Hart
Poetry readings by Eshleman
Introduction of Vallejo and Vallejo DVD by Hart
Showing of the DVD
Comments about translations of Vallejo by Eshleman
6PM –reception to follow
Friday, 2/23
10:30AM – Morning Roundtable in the Faculty Center downstairs lounge
Readings and comments by Michael Heim, Kelly Austin, Eshleman, and perhaps Efraim Kristal. Moderated by Kristal or Michelle Clayton
12Noon – Lunch for speakers in a Faculty Center room
1:30PM – Re-showing of the Vallejo DVD
2PM – Four afternoon papers
Papers by Kristal, M. Clayton, Hart and Chrystian Zegarra
4:30PM –reception to follow
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