Saturday, April 14, 2012

Superhero Writers on Mystery Bus Tour -- Stopped at Brattleboro Today!

Consider this a photo tale of an amazing visit. ATRIA sent this bus out on the road -- you can see on the back the schedule of visits:

For an small-town stop between Massachusetts and Albany, NY, Atria chose to send the four authors in the bus to Mystery on Main Street, where owner David Wilson welcomed them to a packed house of appreciative readers, surrounded by stacks of books by these and other mystery professionals. Here are the Superhero Writers (you can almost see their capes, right?) - starting at left with host David Wilson, then John Connolly, Liza Marklund, M. J. Rose, and William Kent Krueger.

We'll have more to say about their books in the days ahead. Meanwhile ... after a day on the road ... we're happily exhausted, and came home with stacks more to read (happy, happy).

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! A number of years ago Chelsea Green Publishing in White River Junction, VT, did a bus tour of California to introduce a group of their New England enviro authors to readers out west.
