Friday, June 13, 2008

Orlowsky & Schley at Kingdom Books, 6/14

What better salute to summer than a pair of poets reading from new work... Kingdom Books welcomes Dzvinia Orlowsky (who drove four hours to be here!) and Jim Schley, for our Poets' Brunch, Saturday June 14 at 11 a.m.

Orlowsky's new collection is Convertible Nights, Flurry of Stones. Here's a sample from her poem "Watching":

Later, everyone's joke was funny,
laugher pitched to the ceiling

and out through the window
to where I was always lying

in the grass, watching my parents
glide through the party like paper dolls.

They've become so small
they buzz when I lift them to my face.

We also have Orlowsky's earlier work available.

Schley will read from As When, In Season. From one of his Nine Odes (to the Muses), "For Polyhymnia":

The vision is delicious, lowering like peace on
a wounded mind, at the same time to beckon
thoughts of being wrapped in you, our voices

and limbs, lying beside to intently confide
in my consort, my cello, my wife. Bowed
strings sigh like sonatas and moan

then commence again, and you sing as though
any breath may shift to song as it leaves one.

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