Thursday, January 19, 2012

Write Local (aka "What You Know"), Go National!!

High excitement here at Kingdom Books today, as fellow Brigantine Books author Beth Hilgartner saw her book PKP for President go national. It's on the front cover of today's issue of Publisher's Weekly and there's a paragraph on the book inside, on page 22.

Beth H lives just across the Connecticut River in the gorgeous New Hampshire town of Orford (she works in Vermont though), and PKP is a very smart cat (aren't they all?) who lures the New Hampshire primary Presidential candidates into online "virtual debates." PKP is a fierce social liberal, and there's a lot of good debate in the novel, as well as a bit of mystery and lots of humor.

Obviously, Beth H wrote what she knows -- cats, and politics -- and set it locally -- in the Granite State. And now it's on a national magazine. So proud of you and your book, Beth H, and of micro-publishers Neil Raphel and Janis Raye at Brigantine, who dared to move into fiction in 2011/2012 and are proving that good stuff grows locally.


  1. Thanks, Beth, for letting us and everyone know about the coverage from Publisher's Weekly. It's been fun to build some buzz about the book during this political season. Sometimes, the whole political process gets so serious that it's good to have a more lighthearted look at it!

  2. Thanks, Beth, for such a nice write up! I appreciate it (and so does PKP, though it's unlikely she'll say so!); we'll keep you posted as the political season unfolds.
