Saturday, September 04, 2010

Farewell, George Hitchcock, Poet, Publisher, Playwright -- and Enduring Rebel

Alas, George Hitchcock -- founder of the poetry magazine Kayak and determined to escape any and all tedium -- died on August 27 at his home in Eugene, Oregon, at age 96. The full obituary is in today's New York Times. I also found the earlier one in the Santa Cruz paper to be worth reading. We've got one interesting piece of his on the wall in the poetry/fine press room, plus a copy of the 2003 "George Hitchcock Reader," One-Man Boat. Wish we had more.

Also, for those of you interested in writing about the man and his work: His Wikipedia article is criminally brief. How about adding to it?


  1. Dear Beth,

    Thank you so much for this, and for the work you do, which George, of course, would have applauded.

    Many blessings to you!

    Robert McDowell

  2. "Kayak at the Confluence: A Tribute to George Hitchcock" will be held Saturday, March 19, 2011 in St. Louis, MO. I thought you'd want to know. Thank you for the kind words about George.
