Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Frost Place: Poetry All Summer

At the hillside smallholding owned by Robert Frost when he hit his poetic stride, centered on his white farmhouse and modest utility barn, is The Frost Place, a center for poetry in Franconia, New Hampshire. This summer the center offers three programs worth considering -- and all have an application deadline of May 15, so it's time to look them over and make choices. Here they are:
Conference on Poetry and Teaching
June 27 - July 1
Baron Wormser, Director
The Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching brings together hard-working classroom teachers and highly skilled poet/teachers to share their experiences of how poetry is most effectively presented in the classroom. Faculty will present specific techniques for teaching poetry including sample exercises and prompts that teachers will be invited to try out and then discuss.

Festival and Conference on Poetry
July 8 - 14
Martha Rhodes, Director
The Festival and Conference on Poetry is a daily immersion in listening, reflection, and conversation about the writing and reading of poetry. The program will offer lectures, talks and craft panels by faculty throughout the week. Fifteen hours of workshops during the week: each workshop will have its own particular slant, the focus of your week together will be on your poems and on developing your poetic skills.

The Frost Place Advanced Seminar
August 8 - 13
Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Director

Spend five days with a select community of poets exploring your artistic work in the context of our enormous and complex literary tradition. This is a unique opportunity for dedicated poets to delve inensely into the poetic process. Seminar participants will have their poems-in-progress given generous and focused attention and will be invited to think in new ways about what can be accomplished in revision.
For general information and some great images and poems, check out

1 comment:

  1. Hope the summer come soon, but it's a dream.
