Saturday, April 05, 2008

Looking for a Summer Writing Program? PMC.

Full disclosure: I'm one of the trustees for The Frost Place, the great poetry site at Robert Frost's significant home in Franconia, NH, where four poetry-related programs per year take place (five, if you count the residency; But from time to time I hear about other programs that sound terrific, and I like the mix of writers at Pine Manor College, just outside of Boston. If you're making summer plans (and the rather lost robins up here have clearly arrived with that in mind, despite icy mounds of old snow all over the landscape), here's some info to consider:

Pine Manor College is now accepting applications for the 4th Annual Solstice Summer Writers’ Conference, June 22-28 at Pine Manor College in Chestnut Hill, featuring:

Writing for Children & Young Adults:
Tor Seidler & Marina Budhos
Writing the Novel:
Julia Glass & Eric Gansworth
Writing the Short Story:
Steven Huff & Lee Hope
Writing Poetry, Section I:
Francisco Aragón & Patricia Spears Jones
Writing Poetry, Section II:
Cleopatra Mathis & Stephen Dunn
Writing Creative Nonfiction:
Richard Hoffman & Barbara Hurd
Special Guest:
Dennis Lehane

For detailed faculty bios and an application, go to

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