Sunday, March 18, 2012

Collector's Corner: Ephemera in Mystery Collecting -- Elmore Leonard

Dave is providing a series on items of "ephemera" -- meant to last a short time and vanish -- that may appeal to mystery collectors. Today's selection isn't the common single sheet of paper; instead, it's a "vintage" paperback.

Elmore Leonard's First Book Was ...

Clients of Kingdom Books are always on the prowl for their favorite author's first appearance in print. Recently a customer asked me to find her a copy of Elmore Leonard's first book, and she was curious about the title of the book, The Bounty Hunters, which was printed in paperback in 1954. The customer was surprised that Elmore Leonard early in his career wrote a number of Westerns. Now, 58 years after this was published, Elmore Leonard is still writing and producing some of the best crime fiction, and he will reach the age of 87 in October.

[PS from Beth: Collecting Elmore Leonard? Check out this oddball item that includes a recipe of his!]

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