Here's word from David Budbill with his fall schedule. If you haven't yet read them, I especially recommend his two recent books, MOMENT TO MOMENT: POEMS OF A MOUNTAIN RECLUSE, and WHILE WE'VE GOT FEET: NEW POEMS. Kingdom Books has a wide selection of Budbill, from his early poetry-plays based in the fictional Judevine (Hardwick, Vermont) to his collections, and also a nifty piece of language poetry by his daughter, Nadine Wolf Budbill; look also for the items illustrated by Budbill's artist wife Lois Eby. Use the link to
Kingdom Books, and click on Browse & Buy to access our ABE listings -- and in the search box marked Author, type in BUDBILL to get the full range.
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Dear Friends,
This is to let you all know what is coming up in the next month or so.
September 19 thru Oct 5: JUDEVINE returns to Lost Nation Theatre, Montpelier, VT. For curtain times, days of the week and ticket information contact:
http://www.lostnationtheater.org or call: 802-229-0492.
For a synopsis of JUDEVINE, its production history around the country and excerpts from reviews go to:
http://www.davidbudbill.com/jude2pl.htmlTo purchase the DVD of the Lost Nation Theatre production go to:
http://www.davidbudbill.com/judedvd.htmlSeptember 25-30:
Sept 25, Thurs--The Hardwick Townhouse, 7:00 p.m., Hardwick, VT, contact person: Shari Cornish: shari@sharicornish.com followed by a parade, led by William and David through Hardwick to Claire's Restaurant, where David and William will do another set from about 8:45 to 9:30. Contact person at Claire's is: Christina Michelsen:
kristina.michelsen@gmail.comSept 27, Sat--performance at The Flynn Space in Burlington, VT, 8:00 p.m. Contact person is: Leigh Chandler: lchandler@flynncenter.org
Sept 28, Sun--performance in Woodstock, VT, The Little Theatre, 4:00 p.m. Contact person Buzz Boswell:
director@pentanglearts.orgSept 29, Mon--performance, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT, Whittemore Theatre, 7:00 p.m., Contact person: Chris Lenois: clenois@marlboro.edu
Sept 30, Tues--workshop in poetry and music at Marlboro College in a.m. time and place TBA. Contact person: Chris Lenois:
clenois@marlboro.eduFor more about ZEN MOUNTAINS-ZEN STREETS go to:
and later in the fall:
October 10 & 11: JUDEVINE is at the Paramount Theatre, Rutland, VT
October 16, 17, 18: JUDEVINE is at the Middlebury Town Hall Theatre, Middlebury, VT
October 24 & 25: JUDEVINE is in Newport, VT, location TBA , TENTATIVE
November 6, 7, 8: JUDEVINE is in Woodstock, VT, location TBA, TENTATIVE
November 14 & 15: JUDEVINE is at the Bellows Falls Opera House, Bellows Falls, VT
Summer people gone.
Kids back in school.
Fall coming fast.
Leaves turning.
Birds going south.
World getting quiet.
Chinese melancholy.
Sweet Zen emptiness
here again this year.